5500-5600 Notecards

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July 06, 2006, 09:48 PM
5500-5600 Notecards
5501 N Jack sailing with Ollie in red striped shirt 1987
5502 N Martha play golf 1987
5503 N Gang in red convertible 1987
5504 N Corky,Tillamook,Ritz.Ollie sit at bus stop 1987
5505 N Violet sit on sofa knit 1987
5506 N Gang play at piano 1987
5507 N Suzy write at desk 1987
5508 N Deer with flowers around neck and antlers decorated with flowers
5509 N Suzy embroider in chair 1989
5510 N Martha serve Ollie soup 1989
5511 N Corky and Ollie on bridge fishing
5512 N 2 critters (probably Ollie and Elwood) on innertube swinging into water
5513 N Gang play in fountain 1989
5514 N Escalators in shopping mall 1987
5515 N Suzy dancing in blue dress throwing flowers in arc over head 1989
5516 N Martha drink tea at table
5517 N Gang on grass looking up into sky 1991
5518 N Stanley read paper with squirrels looking on 1991
5519 N Gang play musical instuments 1991
5520 N Jack write letter leaning against tree
5521 N Corky pull wagon full of plants 1991
5522 N Gang sailing on the Quaker Jack 1994
5523 N Martha and Emily talk over fence 1991
5524 N Suzy teach squirrel classroom 1991
5525 N Suzy in tub with bubbles in hair
5526 N Willie with daisies 1992
5527 N Suzy in red dress water plants in window box 1992
5528 N Violet in pink dress dancing in grass
5529 N Ollie on grass love our earth with squirrel and butterfly 1992
5530 N Polly reading on window seat 1992
5531 N Ballet class 1992
5532 N Miss Feather watch children walk in to room 1992
5533 N Martha cooking with Tillamook 1993
5534 N Suzy read letter while munching cookie in blue chair 1993
5535 N Ollie put mail in mailbox 1993
5536 N Herkimer spin globe 1993
5537 N Emily visit Suzy on porch 1993
5538 N Ollie on keyboard 1993
5539 N Gilbert on purple/white striped blanket 1993
5540 N Corky and Herkimer fly kites 1993
5541 N Suzy and daisies 1993
5542 N Ruffles and lace Suzy and red lace with daisies 1994
5543 N Willie bear and apples 1994
5544 N Martha and the pansies flower card Grandma Gussie 1994
5545 N Ollie and the sunflowers 1994
5546 N Suzy guardian angel 1995
5547 N Willie bear gather violets 1995
5548 N Violet mix potion
5549 N Whole gang with autographs around edges 1995
5550 N Emily read letter by log house 1995
5551 N Suzy hold bear look out window 1994
5552 N School bus 1995
5553 N Grandma Gussie in polka dot dress drink tea 1995
5554 N Suzy and sunflowers 1995
5555 N Bird house with robins 1995
5556 N Grandma Gussie water iris garden 1995
5557 N Martha at tea 1995
5558 N Suzy fairy with white flowers Thank-you
5559 N Cornelia with jungle plants thank-you 1995
5560 N Martha with tea hat Thank-you 1995
5561 N Grandma Gussie in hat surrounded by irises Thank-you
5562 N Suzy with black polka dot background 1996
5563 N Gang walk to school 1995
5564 N Polly with daisies and watering can 1995
5565 N Willie Bear with pen 1996
5566 N Suzy as angel in clouds 1995
5567 N Ollie hide under large bouquet
5568 N Graham with apples 1996
5569 N Suzy hold red yellow flower arrangement 1996
5570 N Suzy surrounded by flowers and friends 1996
5571 N Dogs of Duckport 1996
5572 N Suzy and Emily walk on beach 1996
5573 N 9 Old Bears on Friendship Bench 1996
5574 N Suzy and Tillamook chat in potting shed 1996
5576 N Sally as daisy hippy 1996
5577 N Tails of Duckport 1996
5578 N Sally and Jack pull seaweed in from the ocean 1996
5579 N Suzy sit on stump 1997
5580 N Gang make music with bottles 1997
5581 N Sally and Suzy scrapbook 1997
5582 N Corky carry flowers 1995
5583 N Suzy sit with daisy at beach 1998
5584 N Wags 1998
5585 N Violet Rabbit read mail by mailbox 1998
5586 N Sally lying on ground with feet on sofa 1998
5587 N Sailing 1998
5588 N Tillamook ballerina 1998
5589 N Lizzie paint by beach 1998
5590 N Gang play music 1998
5591 N Sally and Lizzie walk on beach 1998
5592 N The Topiary Gardens 1998
5593 N Witzy and Hoppy 1998
5594 N Gang in front of school 1998
5595 N Suzy think at table, turned around in chair 1998
5596 N Teeig Off 1998
5597 N Ollie with daisies 1998
5598 N The Duckport Marathon 1998
5599 N Miss Feather's Classroom 1996
5600 N Herkimer God Bless 1997
5601 N Corky with clipboard,Jack pencil,Suzy pen Duckport Studios 1999
5602 N Suzy scrapbooking 1998
5603 N Martha Marmot welcomes you 1997
5604 N Lester and Lizzie at ebb tide 1996
5605 N Natasha in sunglasses 1999
5606 N Suzy Ducken breaths deeply 1999
5607 N Graham Quaker makes a wish 1999
5608 N Suzy's Garden Bouquet 2000
5609 N The ladybugs of Marmot Meadows 2000
5610 N A sunset moment in the Beak Isles 2000
5611 N Suzy and the butterflies 2000
5612 N Snail mail at Snail's Crossing
5613 N Sally Ducken at the windowsill
5614 N Penelope's beaded quills
5615 N Livingston remembers
5616 N Friendship Bears
5617 N Polly's Butterfly fantasy
5618 N Woodland Friends
5619 N Suzy's Apple Country
5620 N Polly's Meadow Bouquet
5621 N Lizzies last day of school
5622 N Ollie's Quiet Place
5623 N Jack's fish chorus line
5624 N Sailing faces in profile
5625 N Sally with pink daisies
5626 N Paddling as fast as she can
5627 N Portrait of DooDah with gerberas
5628 N Ollie with sunflower
5629 N Mrs. Nestor gossip
5630 N Grandma Gussie head
5631 N Suzy Ducken Against a Daisy impression
5632 N Zipadee with Dame Enid Van Verdant
5633 N Dogs of Duckport with frisbee
5634 N Duckport Dog Gallery
5635 N Dogs on Leashes
5636 N Kitty Portraits
5637 N 3 kitties on a scooter
5638 N The Catnip Dance
5639 N Patriotic
5640 N Suzy's Garden corner
5641 N Bruce the Moose Caboose
5642 N Cornelia teach class
5643 N The Happy Threesome Dogs